A Day In The Life Of Wong Chuk Hang’s Mini Storage Manager

Wong Chuk Hang ministorage is much more than a job. It is an adventure. Imagine this: A maze of storage containers, each with their own secrets and stories. Everyday brings new surprises, discover more?

The day starts off early. You enter with coffee in your hand and the phone is already ringing. Mrs. Chan wants to talk about her old family heirlooms. Last week, Mrs. Chan couldn’t find the old teapot of her grandmother. Now it’s time to dig through her old photo albums. First thing: Calm her down. Assure her that her photos are safe.

Another example is Mr. Lee. This businessman has more boxes on his property than a full-service moving company. Every time you go to him, there’s a new list. Fit all the goods into his unit. It’s similar to putting together a puzzle without the image on the box.

The interaction with clients can be difficult. Mr. Wong, an avid vintage car collector, insists upon showing you the entire restoration of his 1965 Mustang. You feign an interest by nodding along when he speaks about carburetors and wine-stained documents. Who could ever forget the artist who constantly sets up and takes down displays of bizarre sculptures. One day a stack is porcelain cats and the next, a giant bird made of paper-mache.

Lunch is an opportunity to take a break. Or is it not? You’re eating your sandwich and sorting through late payments. You juggle meetings and sort through paperwork. The office is always a mess. Clients will call you to ask for a discount or to voice their complaints. Then, a quick chuckle with your colleague before getting back to work.

An afternoon tour is common. Potential clients will want to tour the space. You show them the space and answer their million questions. Funny how everyone asks whether it is safe. You can show security cameras or swipe cards to gain access. They nod with satisfaction but keep on questioning, like detectives in crime dramas.

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