Tell your team to perform a dribble up to the cone and then a retreat. Basketball Lessons will then do a crossover and then resume the dribble.
These are some coaching tips you need to know
Keep the following things in mind as you guide your players through this basketball drill:
In the crossover drill, try to cross 10 cones during 30 seconds.
In the cross-over and retreat version of this drill, try to reach six cones before 30 seconds.
In the below variation, you will need to pass 8 cones in 30 seconds.
Dribble with speed and confidence.
Below are some of the variations to this beginner’s basketball drill. For a slightly more complex version of the drill, you can have your players follow this Basketball Instruction Houston. It is the same drill as the cross-over dribble, but once players reach the cones, they should form a back-to-back full-speed spin. You’ll want to hold off on this version until you have had a few practices in the preseason. You will need to use basketball drills such as this one if you wish to succeed in the coaching profession. Your players will be quicker and more dangerous on court if you help them become soft with their dribble.
The expertise that I and my son gained drained our competitiveness and we started to look for other outlets to be competitive. This team, which we are currently playing with, offers an extremely structured atmosphere that is focused on developing player skills. As I had seen that all of the Basketball camps were for boys and wanted volunteers, I decided to volunteer as a coach with my son’s 5th grade team.