Top Mistakes You Should Avoid If You Want To Sell Your Tesla

Have you ever thought of shouting, “Sell My Tesla”, from the rooftops or at the tops of buildings? The idea is great, isn’t it? It’s true: you enjoy the car for its smooth and silent ride, but it’s now time to give it away click site. Don’t let the hurdles make your Tesla selling mission a kind of tightrope walk.

First mistake: Not understanding the power of a spotless car. Some people seem to think that a car’s fate is to be covered with dust. Ever tried homemade cleaning products? Lemon and vinegar work wonders.

Then, check the batteries! No one likes surprises. Check the expiration date of milk before drinking it. Make sure that the electrons are flowing smoothly, and inform buyers about the condition of the battery. Tesla is at its best when the battery in question is in excellent condition.

First impressions are lasting. This is true in photography as well. A picture speaks a thousand, while a poor picture is stale. A messy background photo is more distracting when your song is playing than any advertisement.

Have you ever skipped maintenance records thinking that “it’ll be fine?”? Don’t. It’s important to keep your service records up-to-date. A detailed service history is important, even if you’re Tesla is as reliable and consistent as a weatherman who has been forecasting since Reagan became president. When you have a bad toothache, it’s nice to know that the dentist is on speed dial.

The value of cars does not increase over time like wine. Do some research on similar Teslas and adjust your expectations. Your listing will remain untouchable if you don’t price it correctly.

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